Well, correct that everyone is concerned - and should be. After all, in our lifetimes, at least, we’ve never experienced the current situation.
But who should be concerned about their investments?
Answer: They whose investments are structured to rely on Capital Growth - as are 95% of holders of Superannuation or Pension Funds.
The present ‘market downturn’ is a potential calamity for those folks.
For SuperFund holders, at least they have time on their side - given the market recovers before they reach retirement. If not, well...
But for Pension holders it’s a tragically different story. Today, they are having to draw down on their capital, at a time when their capital has shrunk, and they face the real risk of exhausting their capital. No more capital means no more Income (other than CentreLink).
So, where do you stand - whether retired or not?
In a few words; if your have listened - and acted - on our advice over the past few years, your investments are as safe as they could be, especially throughout periods such as the present, because they are structured essentially to generate a continuing and growing Income Stream.
As such, your funds will inevitably have suffered a reduction in their market value, BUT because your funds are now structured to maximise INCOME (essentially through share-dividend Income), and because the number of shares you own (call them ‘units’ in your Super/Pension fund), hasn’t changed, and because dividends are paid PER SHARE, your Investment Income continues.
Time and circumstances will tell whether company dividends will be reduced pending the end of the present pandemic, but - given you now have this investment structure - you are in the best possible position to withstand the negative effects of this present episode in human history.
If your funds have not been structured as we advocate, should you be worried?
Yes, and NOW is the time to act. It’s Better Late Than Never.
We can, and will, assist you. We want to, and you only need to contact us.
Call us on (02) 9476 2200 or contact us here.
Your financial security is our concern.