Financial Security Practitioners

Our Service

Wellings & Associates are in the business of providing information, guidance and ongoing services relating to Personal Financial Security matters.

Our Technology Focus is an Obsession

We admit to this. We are totally commited to having the most capable, most uptodate technology available at our fingertips. We consider that superior technology allows for superior Client Service. Systems in place are largely custom-built to our specifications, and always predicated on Client needs and information, and efficient business administration.

Many years ago, we realised the benefits of utilising technology to deliver a consistent and reliable service to our Clients. Since adopting computer technology at the birth of the personal computer, we have developed and built our own custom-built software and database systems.

Electronic Forms

We have developed electronic forms to ensure working with your finances is simple, accurate and economical. Our Clients enjoy the ease of completing any required forms on their tablet or computer.

Client Tools

Each of us has personal information that changes for all sorts of reasons. Our on-line Client tools allow you to check and update your information easily and securely.

­Strategies and Advice? We’re here to help. Call our office on 02 9476 2200